Create Fantastic
Funny Pictures
Using AI

Funny Profile Picture Generator and Maker
With our new Funny Profile Picture Creator, you can now create funny profile pics of yourself using artificial intelligence. Simply upload a photo of yourself, and our AI algorithm will generate a selection of different funny styles for you to choose from.
So why not give it a try today and see what your perfect funny avatar looks like?

How does it work?

Upload 10 photos of yourself and receive hundreds of AI generated profile pictures of you in any style you want.


Upload 10 photos of yourself

Use photos that capture all of your facial features.


Our AI starts training

We will notify you when it's done via email. Usually fast, may take up to an hour.


Download your profile pictures

Receive 120+ AI generated profile pictures in whatever style you want in 4K resolution!

Over 32 styles to choose from

Turn your selfies into anything you want.
120 images in any styles are included in the price.

General profile picture for male
Hobbit profile picture for male
Cowboy profile picture for male
Witch profile picture for male
Vampire profile picture for male
Superhero profile picture for male
Pirate profile picture for male
Elf profile picture for male
Extravagant profile picture for male
Stained Glass profile picture for male
Stained Glass
Cyber Glasses profile picture for male
Cyber Glasses
Cyberpunk profile picture for male
Paladin Knight profile picture for male
Paladin Knight
Stylish profile picture for male
Saint profile picture for male
Viking profile picture for male
Guitarist profile picture for male
Oil Painting profile picture for male
Oil Painting
Wizard Mantle profile picture for male
Wizard Mantle
Cartoon profile picture for male
Knight profile picture for male
Witcher profile picture for male
Vibrant profile picture for male
Corporate profile picture for male
Doctor Uniform profile picture for male
Doctor Uniform
Apex profile picture for male
Anime Villain profile picture for male
Anime Villain
Anime profile picture for male
Norse God profile picture for male
Norse God
Model profile picture for male
Suit profile picture for male
Have a style suggestion?

Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions. If you have any additional inquiries, please contact us at [email protected].

How can I get the best results?

For best results, we suggest providing 10 close-up shots, 3 side profiles, 5 chest-up shots. It is important to use pictures with good lighting. We recommend to use a variety of images with different facial expressions, perspectives, wearing different clothes. Additionally, looking away from the camera can also be useful. High-quality photographs work best, and it is advised to wear minimal makeup as it may be exaggerated in the images. Please note that images of children and nudity are not accepted, but beachwear and lingerie are acceptable.

What happens to photos after the generation?

Our AI model is trained using input photos, which are then used to create images. These avatars and the models used to create them are deleted from our servers and GPU API's within 7 days. If you wish to delete your data sooner, simply press the Delete button and all information will be instantly erased. It's important to be cautious of other apps as they may store your data indefinitely and use your facial features to create images. Some of these apps may even be selling your photos to other companies.

Are there any restrictions on using generated photos?

You can use your photos however you want. They can be utilized on social media accounts, websites, business cards, and for personal use such as dating and professional profiles.

Can I get a refund?

We offer refunds for purchases made within the first 14 days as long as the AI has not been trained yet. Once 14 days have passed or a plan has been used, it is no longer eligible for a refund. Our Terms of Service provide additional information on our refund policy.

Can you explain the reason for the high prices?

Training AI is costly due to the large amount of resources required for training on a single topic. Our pricing takes these expenses into account. Be aware that companies offering lower prices or free services may make money by selling your data, unlike us.

Who developed this app?

I, Nikita Dmitriev, a software engineer based in Poland, developed this project independently. I am not backed by any investors and built it entirely on my own. This ensures that there are no hidden agendas or outside influences regarding your data.

Where my data is being stored?

Our data is securely stored on servers located in the United States by one of the most secure cloud providers, who are our third-party partners.

What photo formats are accepted?

JPG, PNG, WebP are supported, but AVIF, HEIC or GIF are not.

Are payments secure?

Yes, we use Paddle for payments. We do not store any of your credit card or personal information.

Can I get an invoice?

Yes, you can get an invoice for your purchase. At checkout you can add your tax numbers if necessary.

Try it out now

Create your perfect profile picture with AI.